The birds are still in a breeding frenzy in spite of the icy weather.
The females do not even give "Boytjie” the male weaver chance to complete his nest before they want to move in.
This afternoon there were two females fighting over this one half-built nest?
Boytjie has two other nests with chicks and another with eggs.
He has been a busy chap.
We noticed the same frenzy among the weavers at Horse Trails, but not at Rietvlei.
I think the absence of birds breeding at Rietvlei is because "Friends of Rietvlei" have been chopping trees there again.
The "alien" trees that were full of nests last year is lying in heaps of wood chips now.
There is no sign them being replaced yet.
Did the birds know that the reeds were going to flood?
Why this mid winter breeding?
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